Chabad of SUNY Downstate
Chabad-Lubavitch of SUNY Downstate offers a warm, inclusive space for individuals from all walks of life to explore their Jewish heritage and strengthen their connection to G-d.
About Chabad of SUNY Downstate
Chabad-Lubavitch of SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University offers a variety of services and programs to meet the needs of our entire community of all five colleges at SUNY Downstate campus.
If you are looking for Holiday events, Sabbath accommodations, literature for Holiday observance, or the opportunities to study Torah – Chabad has something for everyone!
So whether you are a Medical, Nursing, Health Professional, PhD, Public Health -Student. Or a Faculty/Staff Member at Downstate – please join us at Chabad of SUNY and experience the joy and inspiration of Judaism.
Chabad of SUNY Downstate Inc is a recognized
501(c)3. All Donations are a Tax-deductible.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe's Mission
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh leader in the Chabad-Lubavitch dynasty, is considered to have been the most phenomenal Jewish personality of modern times. To hundreds of thousands of followers and millions of sympathizers and admirers around the world, he is “the Rebbe,” undoubtedly, the one individual more than any other singularly responsible for stirring the conscience and spiritual awakening of world Jewry.
After the passing of his father-in-law, Rabbi Yosef Yitzhok Schneerson, in 1950, Rabbi M. M. Schneerson reluctantly ascended to the leadership of the Lubavitch movement, whose headquarters are still housed at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, New York.
Under the Rebbe’s leadership Lubavitch institutions and activities took on new dimensions. The outreaching philosophy of Chabad- Lubavitch was translated into ever greater action, as Chabad Housed and Lubavitch Centers were opened in dozens of cities and university campuses around the world. Today it is hard to find a country or inhabited place that does not have a Chabad presence.
From the moment the Rebbe arrived in America in 1941, his brilliance at addressing himself to the following ideal became apparent: He would not acknowledge division or separation. Every Jew — indeed every human being — has a unique role to play in the greater scheme of things and is an integral part of the tapestry of G‑d’s creation. That means that every human being has a responsibility to use his unique abilities and talents to make the world a better place, specifically by showing kindness and friendship to everyone he encounters.
The Rebbe spoke tirelessly about the era of cosmic perfection and universal awareness of G-d, known in Judaism as the time of Moshiach. Demonstrating how the world is heading closer and closer to this special era of global peace, and how every person can speedily actualize it by increasing in acts of goodness and kindness. May this become a reality immediately!
Our Chabad House provides a diverse range of services and programs tailored to the needs of our community.
Whether you are looking for Holiday events, or the opportunities to study Torah, we have something for everyone.
- Sabbath meals when you are on-call
- Shmura Matza for Passover
- Challa rolls and Sabbath candles
- Public Menorha Lighting
- Sukkah Party
- Lag BaOmer BBQ
- Holiday guides
- Mezuzot
Our Videos

Chai Time
The popular “Chai Time” at Downstate is a weekly 18-minute Torah discussion on the Parsha, led by our esteemed Rabbi and Professor, Rav Yosef Yitzchok Holzman.
‘Chai Time’ takes place every ‘Thursday’ at 12:00 PM -over lunch- in the ‘PHAB’ (Public Health Academic Building), 450 Clarkson Avenue. Streaming as well online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 718 613 1818).
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to deepen your connection to Torah and the community.
About Rabbi Holzman
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Holzman is the Rav and Chabad-Lubavitch Ambassador of SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University and provides the religious and spiritual needs of the Jewish community on campus. Daily prayers, Torah classes, Holiday events and programming for all students and faculty members.
In addition to his religious duties, Rabbi Holzman serves as an Assistant Professor in the College of Medicine at SUNY Downstate, where he teaches Medical Ethics.
As the Hospital’s Rabbinic Chaplain, Rabbi Holzman offers religious and spiritual services to the patients and serves as a liaison between patients and their families to the medical staff and administration.
The cafeteria of the campus features a Kosher section under Rav Holzman’s strict supervision.
Rabbi Holzman serves also as the Rav of East Flatbush – Jewish Community, Brooklyn NY.

Helping the Community Together
Please partner with Chabad to ensure that SUNY Downstate continues to be a welcoming home for Jewish students, faculty, and alumni of all backgrounds, fostering connections to their Jewish heritage in a safe, warm, and non-judgmental environment.